Древна Тракия в цифри

Scientific Cooperations

Corpus Nummorum

CN-online is a web portal for antique coins from historical regions – Moesia Inferior, Thrace, Mysia, and the Troad.


Archaeological Map of Bulgaria at the National Archaeological Institute with Museum – BAS


ARIADNEplus (continuation of ARIADNE) is a research project in archaeology funded by the European Commission. It aimed at the integration of European archaeological repositories, creating a searchable catalogue of datasets including unpublished reports, images, maps, databases and other kinds of archaeological information accessible online.

AM “Prof. Mieczysław Domaradzki”

Archaeological Museum “Prof. Mieczysław Domaradzki” in Septemvri

HM Petrich

History Museum Petrch

HM – Velingrad

History Museum – Velingrad