Древна Тракия в цифри

About the Sofia Numismatic School

Thrace and the Black Sea Region is an intensive crossing point of peoples, cultures, roads, and processes. The area provides the researchers with an exceptional opportunity to examine a variety of ancient pre-monetary forms and coinages. Due to this, the Sofia Numismatic School (SN School) joins the tradition of organizing Numismatic seminars by choosing a focus, particularly on this area.
By introducing the participants to the historical context and the research concepts on the chosen region, the lecturers will concentrate on the numismatic materials, the technical work with them and their interpretation as historical sources. The exploration of the theoretical base of Numismatics will be combined with practice on specimens representing diverse numismatic concepts and forms.
The SN School aims to support young researchers to acquire and develop further expertise in Ancient Numismatics. The seminar will concentrate also on the implementation of innovative digital methodology and the concept of Digital Numismatics. Within its program, the participants will explore and elaborate on their potential to support the research of traditional numismatic questions and to open new study horizons.
Another accent of the SN School is the opportunity for young researchers to study and collaborate with leading international lecturers and to meet and exchange experiences with graduate and postgraduate students from different educational systems.